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Alternative Fibre Integration: From Early Adoption to End of Life

Alternative Fibre Integration: From Early Adoption to End of Life 
Fall 2024 - Date TBD!  |  1:00 pm EST  |  $349.00 USD



  • Jordan Giaconia, Strategic Lead, Next Generation Solutions, Canopy (MC)
  • Neva Murtha, Next Gen Issue Specialist, Canopy 
  • Kelly Tiller, Founder & Chief Strategy Office, Genera 
  • Additional speaker TBD!


  • Provide viewers with an overview of the benefits of alternative fibres with respect to performance and environmental impact reduction. 
  • Inform companies how best to begin to exploring alternative fibre integration with respect to…
    1. Internal case making to design, procurement, and sustainability teams. 
    2. Trials and pilot project opportunities 
    3. Product performance evaluation and monitoring 
    4. Commercial scale integration 


  • Welcome/Introductions 
  • Overview alternative fibre benefits 
  • Overview of alternative fibre feedstock availability in North America 
  • Genera commercialization journey and product offerings 
  • Panel questions 
  • Audience Q&A 
  • Closing remarks